You want color? I'll give you color.
Yes, the tie is definitely one of my absolute favorites. It's color resides in a different dimension altogether when paired together with my plaid shirt. At certain distances, it creates this illusion that the color is moving, like an aurora curtain. The belt serves its purpose too, by introducing color to the otherwise plain pair of jeans. Frankly, I wasn't too confident with the jeans. It did take me a while before I got comfortable with the distressed shade, though the final look was satisfying.
I'm surprised that my cap is the one getting all the attention, I get more compliments for that than the tie. Hmph. But I do like the fact that the cap matches my shoes, thus justifying its place on my crown.
Anyway, what's the buzz about fortune cookies? First of all, allow me to clarify a couple of things. 1. It's an American invention. We don't get this kinda thang in the East. 2. Even if we don't like fortune cookies, we still take them if it's offered. Why? Because it's free, and Guan Yin forbid if you don't like free stuff, you're just stuck up. Period. The only good excuse for a rejection of all things free is that they would be left abandoned in some corner of a dress cabinet, only to be discovered several months later in its hibernation where a coat of dust has clothed it. Yes, that is me.
But really, don't you think it's amazing how we always have this urge to read what's inside the cookie? This form of self empowerment discovered upon reading mass produced words of wisdom. Talk about franchising literature. I personally don't eat fortune cookies. It's offered at the dining halls but I never felt the "maybe just one" feeling whenever it comes to fortune cookies. Yet, I don't deny if there were fortune cookies on the table after I've had my meal, the occasional friend kind enough to take one for you when they know you really don't want one, I would crack it open only to read that slip of paper which says,
You will encounter something wonderful soon.
What the heck does that mean? How vague can it get? And "wonderful" is such a subjective adjective. It could mean balloons. It could mean the love of your life. It could be getting that extra almond on your salad. But hell no, if I see that, I want to strike a lottery.
Really, even my professor said receiving something like,
Look behind you.
... is so much more entertaining. I mean, I'm still waiting for the day when I read something like this off the paper:
Whatever you do... Don't. Look. Up.
Nonsense. Pure bullshit. And then, as if an invisible finger prods my chin...
I look up.
It's these fleeting hilarious moments that I look out for. It makes me think my life is all the more worthwhile living. So, please, find the funnies in life and post them on these mini slips of recycled newspaper. I'll be waiting patiently. I promise.
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