Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 3: Okay... so I wouldn't be sleeping tonight after all

Only because I slept for most of the day. Even though it was a beautiful day. Now, it's just cold and windy. Well, I've got my mug of coffee and I'm prepared for another night of complete academic isolation.

Oh, before I leave, I find this a little ironic: IF one is prepared to leave Facebook for 3 weeks, in hopes of separating oneself from an addictive social network website, why continue to use Twitter then?

... hmm... Let me rephrase that.

I find it funny, somehow, that some people would refrain themselves from using Facebook, yet still maintain they're reachable via Twitter. Why not go all out? Just stick to emails . Remove all notifications from Facebook/Twitter to avoid temptation/distraction. Sure, in this time and age, technology seems almost inseparable to us. We're virtually married to it. And it makes me quiver to think that the longhand might be extinct in a decade or so... Think about it, all it takes are high schools to implement using computers for assignments and ta-dah, no one would care about legibility anymore since everything can be done with a keyboard. Is it... sad? Or is it just an evolution of language itself that I should learn to accept?


Waaaay off topic here.

Anyway, I just thought it interesting how we occasionally act. We say something, and then we subtly defy them. We live in a paradox. We are a paradox. Nothing makes sense anymore! I blame Ander Monson's Other Electricities... Since he mentioned that the book was supposed to be uncomfortable to the reader, I couldn't bring myself to finish all of the stories. Out of 159 pages, I stopped at 139. Mindfuck. MindfuckED.

Language poetry... Hmm...

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