Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 15: The graded life

I look awkward. Hmm. I blame Dr. Vogt for mentioning that all humans are awkwardly walking through life. That statement is affecting my POV at the moment. Then again, this picture isn't an accurate representation of what I actually wore during the day as well, considering that I was walking in my pajamas the entire afternoon. Oh well...

Grades, grades, grades... Is there really a necessity for them? Is it even accurate? Of course, a lot of professors agree that the system itself is faulty--how can one be truly "correct?" Maybe because I come from the English department, so I guess there never is an answer.

I don't even know why I'm having this sentiment right now, it's not like I'm doing badly in any of my classes. Heck no. I just find it curious how many students' lives are governed by numbers and figures. Everything's just a mathematical equation. Plus, minus, multiplication and division. Exponential increment? Rapid disintegration...

Hmm... What a curious thought...

I actually just woke up. I was that close to missing tonight's post... Sheesh.

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