Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 18: Busy, busy break

My eyes look astoundingly fatigued. Honest! It doesn't look like that in the bathroom, when I brush my teeth, or when I routinely wash my face, though that routine's slacking a little recently, just as my attendance for film theory class is. I've completely used up my two free absences, so if I do miss a next class, my grades would be penalized. So please, please Han Sen, wake up by 9.00am. I woke up at half past noon today.

I'm getting really lazy with my clothes this chilly November, how rather unfortunate. Though, really, I can't do much with them besides the occasional rainbow-pixelated tie that attracts the eyes. And my magazines are spewing out from my mailbox, yet I've not read the last two issues for the three publications I've subscribed to. Well, Thanksgiving break is lurching ever closer at breakneck speed, thanks to my heavy workload this week, so I should have plenty of time then.

But, I also realize that these are the things I'd need to get done over the holidays:
1. A 3-4 page paper on "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
2. A reference letter for one of my beloved professors, Dr. Joy Castro.
3. Complete Charles Dickens's Great Expectations, and George Eliot's Daniel Deronda, if I have the time...
4. Discuss the script with Brandon for next year's Malaysian Night (How did I get into this? I've not a clue).
5. Reread every single thing I've learnt, or not learned, from my film theory course.
6. Complete, what I think would be, 50 pages of my novel.
7. Prepare a presentation, which I know nothing of, for the NSE interview.
8. Create a colorful board for Sigma Tau Delta, since our current one's just morbid.

I... don't think there's anything else...? And a random thought just hit me, Prof. Danforth is currently the umpteenth lecturer to term my writing "archaic." Another term that has been attributed to my style was "elegant." Yes, I am bragging at the moment. Where are the pumpkin pies?

Of course, my blog posts really do mock my writing skills, since I m far 2 lazee 2 b botherred wid mie sp3ll-ing.

But anyway, I have a letter to write and a book to read, so it's farewell for now~

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