Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 6, Part II: Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo

And so, I arrived at the renowned zoo, and guess who welcomed me:
An Indian Blue Peacock, a must-have addition for any established zoo, surely. I think the ones back in Zoo Negara are green, if I'm not mistaken. They're everywhere in the zoo, it's a miracle if anyone missed one. Not that I'm complaining, they are extremely beautiful.

So the first part of the zoo that I visited would be the Butterfly & Insect Pavilion, where a couple of these beauties gladly modeled for me:
This is why I like traveling to zoos alone, because I'm patient enough to wait for that prefect shot, and snap away, instead of being pressured to move along by others who couldn't care less.

The following two images could easily be my favorites from the zoo, as my next venue would be the aquarium:
The red lionfish. Practically every single spine's venomous. I love these pictures because it's as if I caught them while swimming, especially the second one, with its pectoral fin fully fanned out.

This next marine fauna caught my eye:
I sincerely doubt camouflage is its forte, though how can I not take a picture of the most fashionable creature under the sea? No one could pull off polka dots as well as this Xingu river ray.

A stroll was in order after the aquarium, and I was in the mood for more pictures thanks to the splendid weather:
I make the zoo look as if there's no one around, but really, there were scores of people.

And here's a familiar face:
So typical of King Julian, always making sure he's posing for the camera.

And here's a rare bird, endemic to Madagascar:
The Madagascar Button Quail. This mother has a chick beneath that tuft of feathers.

And of course, how can I not take a picture of Gerry?
There were two, Gerry and Ktembe, but the former's the dominant male. You can identify that with its silver back. Well, that and the fact that Ktembe always made sure he's out of Gerry's way.

Next would be completely random:
They're so. fucking. cute. These goats are so small and go "baaaa" so pathetically that I just wanna hug 'em.

Moving on, we have the big cats:
Siberian male...
... an anxious Bengal...
... omGOSH it's a friggin' snow leopard. Those eyes just scream "Fuck off"...
... the handsomest male lion I've ever seen...
... and the most beautiful female Siberian tigress I've ever laid eyes on.
That stare just melts my heart... Let me just say if I could hug her, I would.

The rest would be animals I spotted in the huge Desert Dome:
This bugger's more Chinese than I'll ever be. It's a swift fox, though I hardly understand why it deserves that title, just look at 'im. So tranquil~

And right before I exited the zoo, I figured I should take a picture of the dome, just to show its immensity.
And that's the zoo, basically. Next stop would be the Old Market!

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