Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 17: Rockin' On The Geek

I'm narcissistic to say, not everyone can pull this off, without looking excessively gawky or incessantly gaudy. Why? The polka dot bow tie. Just this one ornament tied around the neck elevates (or depreciates/alternates/metamorphoses, however you want to call it) the geek look. I've been meaning to try this for ages, but just never found a reason to do so. All that's missing, are black, thick-framed glasses and it's perfect.

The second picture's a tad dark, but the red of the suspenders and belt are so conspicuous here that they're merely whispering attention to themselves. Initially, I thought that this would be a real fashion faux pas, with the contrasting colors. But I got the desired effect from people I know, and people I pass by, so all's well.

So I didn't complete Robinson Crusoe last night, but I will this weekend. I guess I overestimated my reading speed. Technically, it's at a rate of 50 pages per hour. More or less. Though I didn't count on Robinson Crusoe, published by the Oxford University Press, to abuse the font size 10. Single spaced. Riveting.

But I did get the paper done, and I'm quite happy with the finished product. I just hope my professor sees it the way I do, as with all of my previous assignments. Well, at least now I can slowly remark on the stylistics employed by Daniel Defoe in his work without having a deadline constantly shout at me in the back of my head.

Thank Goodness It's Friday. Funny how our class is done with Crusoe on a Friday itself. The day has many connotations in the book. That was supposed to be the initial concept for my paper, though I found it almost impossible to analyze it in one night. So I switched to Crusoe's interpretation of "being blessed" instead. The dude's pessimistic. Honestly. It took him almost 100 pages (about halfway through) to realize his abounding fortune.

But the book was great. A little dreary, perhaps. But I value its , ironically, inconsistent stylization and pragmatics. For instance, at least on the page, Defoe switches his spelling of "Lyons" and "Tygers" to, what contemporary society's more familiar with, "Lions" and "Tigers." Just right after he establishes a certain form, he changes it. Dost parallel Crusoe's character himself. It's the littlest things that count, which is why I balled out my eyes last night just to search for such subtle discrepancies.

On a slightly more random note, I'm the new Treasurer for Sigma Tau Delta: English Honors Society. I guess it's because I'm Chinese, that I've been assigned the position? Just kidding, I volunteered actually. Only five people appeared timely for the meeting today. Naturally, all of us got promoted. Despite the small numbers (no, we really have more members than that), I am looking forward to this side adventure I have.

Okay, so it's almost 2am in the morning, and I haven't taken my shower. Eurgh... I fell asleep on my bed listening to Enya after dinner. Just what I needed to end this workout of a week.

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