Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 28: I Think I'm Nocturnal

So I didn't fall asleep during any of my classes today, perfect. And I completed most of my assignments for the week, save for one analysis on Eliza Haywood's Love In Excess due Friday, which I'm looking forward to, strangely...

Another tiring day, though I'm glad that I actually got some sleep this time. My paper on Daniel Morgan's interpretation of Bazin's realism got a perfect score, HELL yes. Though it frustrtes me sometimes to think it takes me 6 hours just to read 25 pages for the class. Honestly, it's fascinating, but sometimes, just reading about a filmmaker disputing whether an image is "real" can be downright mind-fuck. It certainly isn't hard to understand, but if you read a person going on about an image is the object, that realism is transferred to the image, it's like listening to a child's philosophy on ice cream flavors - tiring. I guess I occasionally tire people as well.

Again, no pictures today. For that, I'm sorry, I seem to be slacking lately, but I have been trying to make up for lost time for my readings and assignments. I wore the pastel blue shirt and black tank top, like what I did on Day 10, without the cap and the necklace. I didn't wake up late. I didn't sleep. But I just didn't want to spent too much time thinking over clothes today. I did try something, but it didn't work. I saw it on a website and I wanted to see how it worked. Alas, it looked as if I tried too hard. A square scarf around my waist? It would've never worked out.

I am a little disappointed that we didn't get to discuss Olive Kitteridge during fiction writing, but her little writing exercise did shed some light on Fern, my character for this novel I'm doing for the class. I wish I could give more for this class, elevate my writing abilities, create peculiar yet memorable characters, quotes, scenes. I'd like to think my writing has improved, but a man can only wonder if he has. How do you measure improvement? Considering that "good writing" doesn't necessarily account for good fiction. The weird and the fanciful may triumph over the realistic, and yet memoirs are the way to go this season. What is my niche? I'd like to question myself...

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