Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 18: Five Dollars Can Get You So Much

Finally do I get to wear this favorite scarf of mine. Yes, the other neck-wrap that comes remotely close would be the rainbow colored one I wore last Saturday, but this, brings shame to all. Today's weather was also the perfect catalyst for my decision. Briskly cold and windy. In other words, my scarf flutters with the wind. C'est magnifique!

It's HUGE. If I tried to tie a knot with this thing, it'll look so conspicuous that I'll stop traffic and draw 10-second stares, for all the wrong reasons. Though it doesn't look too bad when I make it into a snood, with a balanced top of course.

I also noticed my footwear never really got the attention, so here's the beginning to that. These white perforated loafers hated me when I got it, it kept leaving blisters on my right ankle. But now, it has grown to be much tamer, and I personally adore them as casual wear. Them being white helps too, complementing everything else northbound.

Besides the pleasantly spicy jalapeno cheese bread I got from the Farmers' Market earlier at dawn, the burritos I had was orgasmic. Especially the chicken-filled burrito. I'm heading there every Saturday just for that.

Another fantabulous thing happened today as well:
The good thing? I got a bike.
The better thing? It looks almost identical to the one I have back home.
The best thing? Five bucks for this blue devil.

The jalapeno cheese bread was five dollars.

I was so damn happy, I just had to attach a basket immediately:

Now, all that's missing are flowers in a woven basket from a trip to the market. Don't you think?

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