Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 21 & 22: Had Penang and M&Ms

What I wore yesterday...

... and what I wore today...

Hardly a difference, but I'll live with it. Though I much prefer the second one because of the added "weight" from the buttons and the scarf. And I look the same everyday, really, one might even accuse me of taking the pictures on the same day.

So I watched Tron with my cousin yesterday and it. was. awesome. The story was a little predictable, but when Michael Sheen came into full view with that terrific makeover my heart squealed a little. This movie must be watched in 3D. The luminescent lights from the grid, clothing, transports, etc. were spectacular, though my eyes were severely fatigued after the movie. I crashed immediately after dinner, which was pretty awesome too, since I had Char Kuay Teow from this place:
The picture's a little deceptive, because I couldn't finish the large serving. Though it wasn't as spicy as I hoped it would be, the flavor remained true to its origins. I even had real barley water~ C'est fantastique~

But nothing much happened today. I basically followed my uncle on one of his business rendezvous around town and pretty much slept in the van. I had an epiphany halfway through, while I was waiting for him at a UPS delivery center. Monet's impressionism in motion, on the windscreen. The water droplets transformed into a slow-moving stream, succumbing to gravity and its pull as they gracefully cruise downwards. My aunt said all Monet ever needed was a good pair of glasses, then maybe we could actually see something on the canvas.

Oh well, headed for Disneyland tomorrow. My childhood dream come true~ Though... I have been there three times already...

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