Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: Expect the worst, hope for the best

So I had my NSE interview today. I shall say... even if I don't get the job, it definitely had been one of the best three hours I've had in weeks. I'd say it was a contemporary interview, none of those dull questions and unblinking eyes. Finally, some humor and physical activity~ We produced a commercial, practiced exquisite corpse and spoke impromptu. I think it went well... but I shan't say any more.

I can believe it's nearing the end of semester already. Just two more weeks and it's off to California, away from all the snow... that hasn't arrived. I'm quite surprised really, considering that this time last year we were already having a blizzard. In which, areas north of Lincoln have been receiving their fair share of ivory flakes, disrupting flights and the many deliveries they carry, one of which contains mine. My slacks were supposed to arrive last Monday and I thought I would've been able to wear them for today's interview. Quixotical fantasies I suppose. I've never heard Topman's customer service actually rejecting calls due to the number of complaints over delayed shipments.

800 pages. George Eliot's Daniel Deronda. The most ambitious text from Capuano's class, and the last. Well, he doesn't expect us to finish the entire beacon by next Friday anyway, so I suppose that's good news. Though, the text will be included in the final examinations... Oh well, I guess now would be a good time to start.

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