Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 29: I just need a shoulder, and silence.

I feel exactly as I am pictured. Irritable. Annoyed. But mostly, drained. It is exactly because I haven't done anything, in which I would have deemed significant if I had done, that my mood's presently foul.

The bird and the bee helped a little, if only momentarily. About three minutes to be exact. And then I'm sour again. My head's ringing, and pre-recorded music from an electronic keyboard isn't alleviating my condition. In fact, I'm getting more annoyed by the cheesy Chinese-restaurant tune. Not that the music's Chinese, but that it reminds me so. Frankly, I don't even know why Chinese would be it, only that much of my childhood references to fine dining would involve chopsticks, rice and karaoke themed music.

I guess the only eventful thing that happened today was dinner. Food somehow soothes the soul; anywhere, anyhow, anytime. So long as it's palatable, and the one that I had for tonight was, thankfully.

Ruben's Kitchen. Apparently they serve authentic Malaysian cuisine, though what I had pictured above wasn't anything close, even with it's Asian flavor. I usually save the yolk for last, which is usually good, but this one was unusually peculiar tasting. If... that's any way to describe something.

If only life was as simple as the mentality as a thirteen year old. I'm speaking generally, because my younger cousin then asked, "Why thirteen? Why not fourteen?" Hah. Go figure that one out yourself, Darren. The question itself is valid, of course, but the number thirteen implies something more obvious. He just seems so carefree, with nary a worry of everything else. How money comes about, that he's able to languish it all on, not everything, most of the thing he desires. His options in life at this point are either "yes" or "no."

I take that back. No, that's not him. He always confounds me with replies like "Or am I?" or "Or do I?" which I find extremely tiring to even attempt to answer. Frankly, I couldn't be bothered. If one would wants to try slipping on a banana peel when the other tells one not to, I say go for it. Perhaps falling and physically knocking one's head on the floor is painfully effective than any other viable method. I'd hate to nag, so why not?

My goodness, I'm whining. Like I said, I'm excruciatingly irritable at the moment. Perhaps I should take a warm shower and proceed to bed. Or maybe I should have another go at Lewis, to confound my head even more, and then proceed to bed. Either way, I'm so irritable at the moment, that neither aids. "What ails you?"

Faux fauna. They're pretty nonetheless.

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