Friday, October 1, 2010

2nd month, Day 1

Okay, so why the Oreos? Well I've been meaning to cycle all 40 blocks to Target and today seemed like the perfect day to do it. So I got on, headed out, and went to Barnes & Noble. What the hell is with this red herring? Stay with me for a bit. B&N is just a street away from Target, and I can't say no to a bookstore. That's plain impolite.

So I went to B&N, and there were bargains everywhere. I almost got Gregory Maguire's A Lion Among Men just because he signed it. Of course, I walked out without actually getting anything, but I did saw some snazzy titles that I'll definitely come back for in the future:

1. Eat Pray Love (NOT the edition with Julia Roberts on the cover, the original one. I always have a thing against buying books that are wrapped with the faces of celebrities.)
2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (It's the new Da Vinci Code...)
3. A Vintage Affair
4. It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It (Since it's just another public speaking self-help book, I might pass, but I'm 100% with the title's philosophy.)
5. Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn (Only because Alison Weir wrote it and I studied the Tudors last semester.)

Jamie, if you're reading this. I know I've gotten your attention.

There were also a couple of books by David Sedaris that caught my eye, though they seem more memoir and comedy. Dinty Moore and Chelsea Handler will have to do for the moment.

MOVING ON. I went to Target, bought lotsa junk (Three packets of Oreos to be exact... Along with other "necessities"), and cycled back with a rather odd looking plastic sack hanging on my right handlebar, that rhythmically smack my front tires. I kept fearing it would snap the spindles on the tires, but it was only boxes of Kleenex, so nothing much happened. Save for a huge gash on one of the boxes.

But yes, I had to buy Halloween Oreos, even if I know the orange creme could contain nothing more than poisonous food coloring, hellbent on giving me diarrhea. My sole comfort in eating them, would of course come in the form of these cute images imprinted on each cookie.

A freaking happy pumpkin. Where's Cinderella?
The orange creme of doom.

What a way to begin the first day of October. Now the whole world knows I've eaten three cookies. But no, I actually ate four. I was just too lazy to take a picture of a witch flying on a broomstick. What else?

Now to the main attraction. October's six items:
Here's what at stake for the month. I only have one bottom, the navy slim fitting jeans. In addition, that kaleidoscope of a shirt is gonna be beautiful, but friggin' hard to match with most other stuff... But I have my ideas. It doesn't look all that much now, but it's actually pretty flattering to the body. You'll see.

And what did I wear on this wonderful premiere?That's it? And it's not part of the six items? Well, that's because this is my pajamas/gym clothes. And my only class for the day was cancelled, so I saw no reason to dress up. I like this shirt. It says something quite literally. Though I doubt I'll get much of an audience here. It kinda makes me feel like I'm a lost employee of the Body Shop, stuck in the middle of an agricultural state, trying to sell facial cremes to a cornhusker. Huh.

This is how I celebrate my new month? Pray that I go out tomorrow, so that I might put on something new.


  1. Senpai, i must say, October looks like it's gonna be a pretty faded month (except for that button down...which i might steal in november...)...

    also...stinky jeans...

  2. Eh? Faded? Sheesh... It will nevah be faded with moi!

    And on the stinky jeans, at least I'll have Febreeze... If not, it's just me jammies...
