Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 9: Sleeping As A Hobby

Sometimes, I do feel guilty for placing "Sleeping" as one of my pastimes on Facebook. I fear I'm not giving it enough attention. Hence, today, considering I slept at 2am in the morning, I dedicated almost 2/3 of the day in bed, fantasizing zealous fantasies and sailing away in the realm of dreams. Without getting into "Inception" here, dreams can be highly addictive. Not in a... cannabis, marijuana or tobacco sort of addiction, not that I've ever had one of those, nor do I intend to, but dreams can enrapture the mind and bless the body with the most unimaginable sort of relaxation.

Wait for it, wait for it...


Back to reality. Nothing much today, save for my continual indecisiveness whether or not to cycle to B&N for books, which I didn't unfortunately. Despite the fact that I never get anything on my way out, I enjoy the ambience in a bookstore. The smell that lingers and intoxicate one's senses as one peruses aisle upon aisle of bestsellers and classics. The silent shuffling of feet on cheap carpet and the systematic ruffling of paper bags as customers haul their newfound romances out the revolving door. This soothing effect is amplified by the faint buzz of whirring fan blades on the ceiling, with lazy lighting rusting the entire room. Most importantly, it's not as dreadfully quiet as a library. I've always been repelled by libraries, I'm not a fan. Which strikes many as odd, since I'm an avid reader. Well, almost.

So it was books and chocolates for this afternoon, the only occasion I found reason to exit my dull room was to exercise for a bit and the rec. centre. Speaking of chocolates, here's what I find mildly fascinating about Wonka Exceptionals:
I'm shamefully obsessed with Wonka's chocolates, ecstatically, but it's the bar code on the back of the package that caught my eye. It's shaped like a waterfall, as indicated by the front. Isn't it wonderful? Astoundingly creative designers. I apologize if this doesn't intrigue anybody, but I'm always fancying the little details that scurry in the corner.

Now that my gut is a swirling chocolate factory itself, I think I'll have enough energy to last me through the night. Brilliant.

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