Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 31: Happy Halloween!

No costume, unfortunately. The only scary thing I've encountered is (though this happens all year round, really) the toilet cubicle in the bathroom. Thanks to Jane, I now have a unnerving habit of looking down at the tiled floors, where the wall of my cubicle to an adjacent one doesn't line all the way down the the ground and up the ceiling, causing me to imagine a zombified hand grabbing my legs, or a long-haired banshee who couldn't choose a better place to peek at... at... well, you get the idea.

I'm severely lethargic these few days. I blame the weather. It makes me yearn for my bed more often than I should be. Strangely, the cold doesn't stop me from having that extra scoop of ice cream. By saying that, it means I eat twice as much as I should be. This is absurd. I've never had such cravings back in Malaysia. Even as I type, I'm craving chocolate. Eurgh... I might actually succumb.

But, I also am aware that I have to pick my wardrobe lineup for November. In fact, I already have. The selections for this month are... pretty formal I should say. And there're very limited things I can do with them, but I'm willing to try it out anyhow, we'll see. Wait for November's premiere tomorrow~

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