Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12: First day of classes... in vogue

Well, more or less. Though I'm starting to feel less so... But I do like the small addition for today (much thanks to the backlight, it's difficult to see that I'm actually wearing the navy cardigan):

So I wore what I wore almost everyday during the first five days of January. Only difference between now and then is that I got to accessorize, and this was one accessory I have not touched in the longest time, probably because it could only be worn with a dark-colored turtleneck, ideally.

Yet, somehow, the picture perturbs me. The more I look at the shape of the necklace, the more I see Ronald McDonald.

Moving on. I'm very happy with, well, at least three out of four of my classes. My linguistics professor is sweet, my short story professor is quirky and the one who teaches me modernity is just too cute! Every single word that's uttered by her makes me laugh nervously (cackle, almost) in a class that's too serious to be cheerful. I had to use a book to shield my smile. But yes, my classes are wonderful, I'm happy to say. And tomorrow, I will be participating in my fourth - the honors seminar.

How is it possible that I got a completely different set of books for another class instead of my own? And to my astonishment, I couldn't even remember enrolling for a seminar on Arthurian legends. Well, the memory did start to kick in very slowly, but it's still very blurry. All I remember was checking through available options and there were honors seminars for English majors, and that I picked one over the other. So how come I can't remember the requirement to buy The History of the Kings of Britain?

On that note, I do like the readings for this class, particularly because I've known these books from a previous course I've taken on British literature, so it's only fitting that I should read them now. Yet the absurdity of my oversight confounds me still...


I see, I get it now. During the implied pause with the ellipsis, I've sought out the reason for my ridiculous error. It's friggin' listed as "Cultural Phenomena." I suppose I should assume from now on that everything pertaining to a cultural phenomenon must include the Arthurian myth. How very... accurate.

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